What’s Taking My Building Permit So Long? – South Coast & Associates, Inc.

Feb 6, 2024

What’s Taking My Building Permit So Long?

Before we break ground or get underway, there’s a lot of upfront and behind-the-scenes work that goes into construction projects. Some of that involves working with lenders, budgeting with vendors, and seeking approvals from officials who hold jurisdiction, such as the Building Department, appeal boards, and other regulatory bodies.

The Importance of Permitting in Construction

Traditionally, the process has followed the DESIGN, BID, PERMIT, and BUILD flow of operation. However, in recent years, heavy emphasis on the permitting portion has become the norm.

This critical milestone can make or break many projects and real estate deals, particularly those with a developmental or permitting component. Whether it’s a zoning board, conservation commission, or even a historic commission, the process is usually quarterbacked under the umbrella of the Building Department as the first point of contact.

Permit Delays: A Growing Issue

Over the past decade, we’ve seen building departments and other governing bodies regularly violate processing deadlines set by state laws to protect applicants. And who are the applicants? General contractors, homeowners, real estate developers, and even municipalities themselves! Ironically, municipalities sometimes hold up their own projects.

As bureaucracy grows, these overwhelmed departments struggle to keep up with the influx of regulations, often leaving applicants waiting long beyond the legal timelines for action.

Potential Solutions to Permit Delays

So, what’s the solution? One step forward is the increased use of online portals, which many building departments have adopted. These portals provide a streamlined way to communicate with departments and hold both applicants and reviewers accountable for deadlines. Timers aligned with state laws could ensure transparency and adherence to regulations.

Another solution is to invest more resources into these departments. Building departments are typically one of the top revenue-generating entities in municipalities, yet they are often underfunded. By hiring more administrative staff and plan reviewers, departments could handle the growing number of permit applications more efficiently.

Are Inspections Overkill?

Builders are legally required to offer warranties, and most reputable builders honor those commitments. So, why all the inspections? It’s worth considering whether these inspections are truly necessary or if they are a result of lobbying efforts from insurance companies that benefit from increased regulations and inspections. The public, builders, and developers often bear the burden of these extra steps, driving up costs and timelines without significant benefits.

We Advocate for Our Clients

At South Coast & Associates, Inc., we recently took a local official to the state level and won an appeal for failure to act on a building permit application. Unfortunately, our client lost the opportunity to build their dream home due to the official’s inaction. We stood by our client throughout the process, and we’ll continue fighting for those who face similar challenges.

If you have a similar story or need assistance navigating the permitting process, contact us at 774-202-4868. We’re here to advocate for you.

Get in Touch with South Coast & Associates, Inc. today to discuss your construction project.

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